Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kandy Kritique -- Skittles Chocolate Mix

Always wanting to try new flavors in candy, I picked this one up, lured by tantalizing flavor names such as S'mores and Chocolate Pudding and Brownie Batter. Sounds scrumptious, right?
Well, even in the world of candy, things aren't always what they seem. The yummy-sounding names were only names. Each candy -- or should I say, each flavorless little tablet --tasted like -- NOTHING. Lightly sweetened nothing. I finished the bag thinking maybe they'd improve. Nope. They still tasted like nothing mixed with a few grains of sugar. It was like eating sweetened wax. Where was Quality Control when these insipid little circles were being produced?
This pathetic excuse for a candy earns the first NFC rating since I started this blog.

This candy has been rated NFC (Not Fit for Consumption)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder how this candy got out of the test marketing stages for Skittles ... I haven't met anyone who likes them yet.

Nice write up!